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SKU 752505139432

49 & Market Laser Cut Elements Rouge 

The ARToptions Rouge collection from 49 & Market - a timeless collection that captures the beauty of classic florals. With its stunning pink and red hues, this collection exudes a sense of warmth and elegance, making it the perfect choice for any special occasion.

This Collection features 97 assorted frames, tickets, florals, postage, buttons, tabs, and more. Perfect for adding dimension and texture to any project, these intricately designed elements are a must-have for any crafter.

Made from high-quality materials, our laser-cut elements are precision cut to ensure clean edges and a flawless finish. The collection features a wide variety of designs, including vintage-inspired frames, elegant florals, and whimsical tabs and buttons.

With so many options to choose from, you can mix and match these elements to create a truly unique project. Whether you're creating a scrapbook, a card, or a piece of home decor, our laser-cut elements are sure to add that extra touch of style and sophistication.

So why wait? Let our laser-cut elements collection take your crafting to the next level. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, these versatile elements are sure to inspire your creativity and help you create something truly special.